Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Someone You'd Forgotten

Someone You'd Forgotten

Someone You'd Forgotten (2000)

Blog with a View, at heart, is a digital art photoblog. Each Wednesday, I present an image without idiotically attacking the patriotism of a hostage forced by her captors to make propaganda statements in order to survive. Eject your Chuck Norris DVDs. You know who you are.


Neil Shakespeare said...

Sheez! Looks like the Abu Ghraib guy through a stained glass window. Sometime quite appropriate about that...

cruelanimal said...

I hadn't thought of that, but those we tortured do seem pretty much forgotten. Too many BushCo abuses ago, I guess...

orrinj said...

Tut-tut, you're a tad behind the Jill Carroll story:

cruelanimal said...


I posted this ten days ago. Sorry I'm not clairvoyant enough for you.

This guy claims he paid the ransom for Jill Carroll. Google has only two hits on your major story, and one is your link. Let's see if your tut-tutting truth has legs.

And I know. If the guy actually did pay her ransom, I can feel across cyberspace your profound disappointment that she wasn't more of a patriot and beheaded instead.

Your profile speaks volumes.