Saturday, February 04, 2006



Self-Portrait (2000)

This is me...

...or I've seen David Cronenberg's The Fly one too many times.


enigma4ever said...

really beautiful...
glad you are okay- could not get to Blogspot-
rough 12-24 hours it is now 5am-
could not get to my blog or most blogs until 3am sunday.

cruelanimal said...

e4ever: Yes, I noticed that Blogger was down yesterday, too.

Thanks for your kind remarks.

Tim said...

So, you only got one eye?

I guess if you're not a sculptor it doesn't make much of a difference.

This reminds me of things by Francis Bacon who painted the Pope flanked by two half-carcasses of beef.

cruelanimal said...

The eye visible in the image is my third eye.

I think the Pope should always be flanked by meat. Such reminders of mortality might make him think twice about making blanket doctrinaire statements safely protected by presumptions of his own infallibility.