Monday, May 08, 2006

Satan on a Stick

Satan on a Stick

Satan on a Stick (2000)

And you thought that state fair corn dog was evil...

~/~ heaven...

God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them...


The blog will likely go into heavy photoblog mode for the summer. I will be working on a book project as well as focusing on new art over the next few months. I thought about closing down this blog or letting it just go fallow, but I enjoy posting and hearing occasionally from the faithful few. So, instead, I'll be putting up art and keeping text optional. This way, I still share art and reserve the right to go off on a rant as time permits and circumstances warrant.

Thanks. I appreciate everyone who visits and comments.


Anonymous said...

You should join Chaotic Utopia and me for Friday Fractal blogging....

cruelanimal said...


Thanks for writing. I like your Friday Fractal Blogging concept. You've both put up some cool stuff.

Then again, when I think about it, every day is fractal blogging for me.