Sunday, June 25, 2006

Tag Team

Tag Team

Tag Team (2006)

Something new lifted fresh off the pixel mat...

From the now completely juried Wikipedia:

In professional wrestling, a tag team consists of two or more wrestlers who are working together as a team. They usually wrestle against a like number of opponents, however in the occasional "handicap match" there may be an unequal number of competitors (André the Giant was often pitted against two or more opponents). The term "tag team" has since become used in a metaphorical sense for a pair of partners who alternate in participation in an activity, and "tag-teaming" for the act of alternating with an ally, e.g. a couple tag-teaming in an argument with another person.

According to the rules of pro wrestling, only one competitor per team is allowed in the ring at a time, and the only way that a wrestler can change places with a partner is for the competitor in the ring to "tag" him or touch him on some part of his body. The referee must also see a tag for it to be legal. Given the nature of pro wrestling, the "rules" are seldom adhered to and exist as part of kayfabe, the suspension of disbelief required for pro wrestling to work as entertainment. This means that often both members of teams, especially heel teams, are in the ring simultaneously with only one member of an ostensibly rule-abiding face team.

A spot that occurs in practically every tag team match is the hot tag. One member of the face team would be in the ring taking a beating from one of his heel opponents. Occasionally, both wrestlers from the heel team would attack him, while his partner protests to the referee about this bending of the rules (and therefore, unintentionally "distracting" the referee on behalf of the heels). Eventually the weakened face wrestler does make the tag to his partner, who comes in as the fresh man and is able to take on both opponents quite easily.

Forget NASCAR Dads. What can fire up the Bush base more than pro wrestling...

We're here to kick the Village People's ass...

...although I suppose things could get a little too waaay down under.

[Photograph seen on Obsessed with Wrestling]


Going on vacation until sometime after July 4th. Blogging will be sporadic to slim, so I'm hot tagging you. Please enjoy the many fine sites and blogs to your right during downtime. And feel free to distract the ref while pummeling wingnuts, okay...


pissed off patricia said...

Enjoy your time away. I was on vacation last week and it was great for my soul. Daily life can be so "daily". A week or more of doing fun things is something we all need now and again.

enigma4ever said...

Enjoy your vacation and feed the Pixel Muses and we will be here waiting for the beautiful art waiting to flow after you have nurtured yourself away from the hectic flow of everyday life...take care...

Neil Shakespeare said...


PoliShifter said...

Dear Blog with a View,

recently I moved my blog Pissed on Politics to movable type.

In the process someone stole my blogspot URL.

Could you kindly remove the blogspot URL from big brass alliance blog roll?

My new URL is:

I don't want the fartknocker with my old blogspot URL to get undeserved traffic.

many thanks in advance

cruelanimal said...

Thanks to all for your kind words about vacation. Breaks are nice, but there's no place like home.

To polishifter: I'll make the change. Don't want to reward claim jumpers.