Head Shot (2008)
A portrait
of instant death
or marketing tool for damage
during audtions. I said
that really looks like you
retouching yourself
like a crisp gamer gone theatrical
performing at corporate events
with fatal Polaroids
developing before poses
are frozen. Boom. Act up.
Beltway sniping fun
under lulzy fill light shows
every outdoor cheat
of your best side.
Open the trunk a crack
to click and shoot.
Image initially made with Fractal Zplot. Post-processed until the forensics came back. Text is a found "Google poem" collaged together from search strings of head shot.
Tags: fractal, fractals, fractal art, fractal blog, digital art, found poem, head shot, headshot, view with binoculars, let's watch scanners again, cruelanimal, blog with a view