The Know-Nothing Party of the 1850s has returned with a vengeance and seized power. They have no solutions to offer for curing the nation’s ills; instead, they are obstructionists who enjoy shouting down their opponents and scaring everybody else with their implacable self-righteousness. This time their candidate is a soccer mom from Alaska. They know that more people fear the unknown than are willing to take a risk on hoping for something better. Government sold their children into an unwinnable war. That’s all government is good for – bickering over what’s left after bankruptcy and cutting deals in the back room. People need their shopping more than health care.
Thank you for using/"borrowing" the title "Blog with a view", the same as my own blog, established in april 2004. Moreover, with the address "cruelanimal, etc", with no relation at all with your blog's name.
Are you implying that I stole your blog title and should somehow be ashamed?
I had no idea your blog even existed. Since your Blogger profile is private -- meaning that no link for your blog is provided -- how exactly was I supposed to be aware of it? Even after a quick Google search, I am unable to find any reference to your blog. Mine, by the way, turns up at the top of the list. So who is actually doing the "borrowing" here?
I assume you know as well as I that titles cannot be copyrighted anyway.
Over the years, I have found at least five other blogs that also claim to be a "blog with a view." I assume you are also actively haranguing each of them as well.
The Know-Nothings
The Know-Nothing Party of the 1850s has returned with a vengeance and seized power. They have no solutions to offer for curing the nation’s ills; instead, they are obstructionists who enjoy shouting down their opponents and scaring everybody else with their implacable self-righteousness. This time their candidate is a soccer mom from Alaska. They know that more people fear the unknown than are willing to take a risk on hoping for something better. Government sold their children into an unwinnable war. That’s all government is good for – bickering over what’s left after bankruptcy and cutting deals in the back room. People need their shopping more than health care.
[Disposable Rant January 20, 2010]
Dr. Mike
Thank you for using/"borrowing" the title "Blog with a view", the same as my own blog, established in april 2004. Moreover, with the address "cruelanimal, etc", with no relation at all with your blog's name.
Are you implying that I stole your blog title and should somehow be ashamed?
I had no idea your blog even existed. Since your Blogger profile is private -- meaning that no link for your blog is provided -- how exactly was I supposed to be aware of it? Even after a quick Google search, I am unable to find any reference to your blog. Mine, by the way, turns up at the top of the list. So who is actually doing the "borrowing" here?
I assume you know as well as I that titles cannot be copyrighted anyway.
Over the years, I have found at least five other blogs that also claim to be a "blog with a view." I assume you are also actively haranguing each of them as well.
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